Priemerný čas pre vypracovanie cenovej ponuky: 57 minút   

Fire safety of the building

fire protection project

Building Fire Safety (PBS), or often referred to as a fire protection project  We will be happy to work on any type of construction for you.

To send a non-binding price offer, please use the simple form on the right.

Every legal entity and natural person – entrepreneur has obligations in the field of fire protection according to § 4 letter. k) of the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic no. 314/2001 Coll. On fire protection as amended, ie to ensure that the requirements of fire protection of buildings are addressed and complied with during the elaboration of project documentation of buildings, during construction and their use, as well as when changing the use of buildings; Requirements for fire safety of buildings during the design of buildings, construction, use of buildings and changes in the use of buildings shall be established by a generally binding legal regulation issued by the Ministry.

Fire protection and fire protection of buildings is provided by a professionally qualified person, ie fire protection specialists, by developing a solution for fire safety of the building in the project documentation of buildings – the so-called. fire protection project.

In addition to the development of investor projects for individuals and legal entities, we also offer long-term cooperation to designers and architects, we will develop fire safety of the building quickly and at reasonable prices.

Project,  fire safety of the building – necessary documents:

  • floor plans of individual floors of the building in scale, with dimensions, with legend (purpose) and area (in m2) of rooms
  • construction cut
  • situation – it can also be a copy of the cadastral map
  • technical report – description (materials) of vertical and horizontal building structures (walls, ceilings)

   Cenová ponuka na mieru

     Priemerný čas pre vypracovanie
     cenovej ponuky: 57 minút


    Michal Kačmár

    Manažér obchodu

    +421 918 505 584

       Cenová ponuka na mieru

         Priemerný čas pre vypracovanie
         cenovej ponuky: 57 minút


      Michal Kačmár

      Manažér obchodu

      +421 918 505 584

      Navštívte nás


      Einsteinova 11/3677

      851 01 Bratislava

      Kontaktná osoba: Manažér prevádzky BA

      Mobil : +421 905 161 980


      Kmeťova 15

      040 01 Košice

      Kontaktná osoba: Manažér prevádzky KE

      Mobil : +421 918 505 584


      Čemernianska 203

      093 03 Vranov nad Topľou

      Kontaktná osoba: Manažér prevádzky VT

      Mobil : +421 905 271 563

      haspo vranov