Priemerný čas pre vypracovanie cenovej ponuky: 57 minút   

Civil defence

For the purpose of civil protection  is a  to protect the health, lives but also the property of persons and to create conditions for survival in emergencies and during emergencies, and to this end to cooperate with other institutions of other states in providing assistance.  By extraordinary event we mean, for example  natural disaster, accident, catastrophe or terrorist attack. Our company has a valid certificate of professional competence in the field of civil protection of the population .

In accordance with valid legislation (Act No. 42/1994 Coll.) We will be happy to provide you with the following services:

  • Comprehensive documentation processing Civil defence
  • Organization and evaluation of civil protection exercises
  • Carrying out regular inspections aimed at performing tasks in the field of civil protection
  • Training of civil protection staff
Scope of the municipality
(1) Municipality
a) draws up a plan for the protection of the population, gets acquainted with the emergency plans of companies and operations in its territory and informs the population and the public pursuant to Section 15a,
b) coordinates the fulfillment of tasks in cooperation with legal entities, natural persons - entrepreneurs and other natural persons,
c) manages rescue work, if it does not fall within the competence of state administration bodies, legal entities or natural persons - entrepreneurs in the municipality; when managing rescue work, it may impose obligations pursuant to Sections 21 and 23,
d) stores, treats and ensures the expenditure of civil protection material to civil protection units established by the municipality and means of individual protection for the population of the municipality, for which these means are not provided by legal entities or natural persons - entrepreneurs,
e) determines, if necessary, suitable protective structures usable for hiding the population and ensures their necessary modifications,
f) provides a permanent intelligence service and civil protection information service, of which it informs the district office and provides necessary and immediate assistance in need, especially shelter, food or other material assistance17) to the municipal population and persons located in the municipality,
g) plans, declares, manages and ensures evacuation and provides emergency accommodation and emergency supply to evacuees,
h) creates civil protection units from the population of the municipality and ensures their ability to act,
i) ensures and carries out the preparation of civil protection units of the municipality and in cooperation with public institutions with a humanitarian mission14) ensures the preparation of the population for self-protection and mutual assistance,
j) declares and revokes an emergency situation and establishes the regime of life of the population in the territory of the municipality in the event of an emergency and immediately informs the district office,
k) keeps records of evacuees and submits lists of evacuees subject to military service with an indication of the evacuation point to the relevant district office at the seat of the region,
l) manages the allocated funds for civil protection, 18)
m) requires reimbursement of the actual expenses for civil protection, which are financed from the state budget, from the budget of the locally competent district office.
(2) The municipality is obliged to reimburse from its own resources expenditures associated with the storage of civil protection material, with preparation for civil protection and expenditures associated with the maintenance of civil protection protective structures.
 Expenditures do not include remuneration for the storekeeper, lecturer and expenses for reconstructions, reconstructions of protective buildings, periodic inspections, replacements of technical equipment and elimination of the consequences of their damage by an extraordinary event.
Obligations of legal persons and natural persons
(1) Legal entities and natural persons - entrepreneurs who may endanger life, health or property by their activities are obliged
a) to prepare and ensure the protection of its employees, persons taken into care and persons who may endanger,
b) provide district authorities and municipalities in whose territory they operate with information on possible dangers, its extent, method of protection and liquidation of consequences and update them regularly,
c) co-operate with district authorities and municipalities in solving the protection of the population,
d) immediately notify the occurrence of an emergency and propose measures to protect life, health and property to the district office and the municipality in whose territory they operate,
e) ensure the elaboration of a plan for the protection of its employees and persons taken into care and its updating to the extent determined by the district office, if they do not draw up emergency plans in accordance with special regulations, 16aa) practice this plan at least every three years;
f) to establish civil protection units and civil protection facilities according to its own decision or according to the decision of the district office, as well as to ensure the operability of civil protection units and the operability of civil protection facilities,
g) perform reporting services for its employees, persons taken into care, other persons and municipalities that directly endanger,
h) establish and maintain protective structures for its employees and persons taken into care and means of warning,
i) to plan and, in the event of an emergency, to declare and carry out the evacuation of its employees and persons taken into care and to inform the municipality in whose territory they operate without delay,
j) to provide, at its own expense, special means of individual protection for its employees and persons taken into care according to the type of dangerous substance which may endanger life or health,
k) to store, treat and ensure the release of civil protection material for its own civil protection units and civil protection units created for the needs of the territory and means of individual protection for its employees and persons taken into care,
l) to provide state administration bodies or municipalities with material resources that they own or use in preparation for civil protection and in case of emergencies.
Civil defence

   Cenová ponuka na mieru

     Priemerný čas pre vypracovanie
     cenovej ponuky: 57 minút


    Michal Kačmár

    Manažér obchodu

    +421 918 505 584

       Cenová ponuka na mieru

         Priemerný čas pre vypracovanie
         cenovej ponuky: 57 minút


      Michal Kačmár

      Manažér obchodu

      +421 918 505 584

      Navštívte nás


      Ulica Svornosti 42

      821 06 Bratislava

      Kontaktná osoba: Manažér prevádzky BA

      Mobil : +421 905 161 980


      Kmeťova 15

      040 01 Košice

      Kontaktná osoba: Manažér prevádzky KE

      Mobil : +421 918 505 584


      Čemernianska 203

      093 03 Vranov nad Topľou

      Kontaktná osoba: Manažér prevádzky VT

      Mobil : +421 905 271 563

      haspo vranov