Priemerný čas pre vypracovanie cenovej ponuky: 57 minút   


The HasPO company offers you hoses of all types and sizes and designed for various uses. We offer types designed for fire hydrants, but also types suitable for use in pumps, car pumps for industry or irrigation.

Polyester hoses

Their main advantage over rubber tires is the lower selling price. The disadvantage, in turn, is the absorbency of the material and the need to dry it before storage to prevent damage.

D25 polyester hose
C52 polyester hose
B75 polyester hose

Rubberized synthetic hoses (so-called techno)

Their main advantage is durability from both the outside and the inside. They are coated on both sides with PVC-based rubber.

C52 rubber hose (techno)
Rubber hose B75 (techno)
Fire hoses

   Cenová ponuka na mieru

     Priemerný čas pre vypracovanie
     cenovej ponuky: 57 minút


    Michal Kačmár

    Manažér obchodu

    +421 918 505 584

       Cenová ponuka na mieru

         Priemerný čas pre vypracovanie
         cenovej ponuky: 57 minút


      Michal Kačmár

      Manažér obchodu

      +421 918 505 584

      Navštívte nás


      Ulica Svornosti 42

      821 06 Bratislava

      Kontaktná osoba: Manažér prevádzky BA

      Mobil : +421 905 161 980


      Kmeťova 15

      040 01 Košice

      Kontaktná osoba: Manažér prevádzky KE

      Mobil : +421 918 505 584


      Čemernianska 203

      093 03 Vranov nad Topľou

      Kontaktná osoba: Manažér prevádzky VT

      Mobil : +421 905 271 563

      haspo vranov