Priemerný čas pre vypracovanie cenovej ponuky: 57 minút   

Training of fire brigades

We offer the following trainings:

  • Basic training of fire brigades (price 49 € / person) + free gift for everyone
  • Specialized training of commanders of voluntary fire brigades of the municipality and racing corps
  • Basic training of preventives of the municipality (price by agreement)
  • Update training of preventives of the municipality (price by agreement)
Training of fire brigades

The task training of fire brigades is to provide theoretical as well as practical knowledge and skills for members of factory and municipal fire brigades in fighting fires and related rescue work, natural disasters and other emergencies.

The duration of this training is in the range of 40 hours, during which our team of trainers and members of HaZz with many years of experience will take care of you.

We will be happy to adapt the date and place of the training to your requirements.

   Cenová ponuka na mieru

     Priemerný čas pre vypracovanie
     cenovej ponuky: 57 minút


    Michal Kačmár

    Manažér obchodu

    +421 918 505 584

       Cenová ponuka na mieru

         Priemerný čas pre vypracovanie
         cenovej ponuky: 57 minút


      Michal Kačmár

      Manažér obchodu

      +421 918 505 584

      Navštívte nás


      Einsteinova 11/3677

      851 01 Bratislava

      Kontaktná osoba: Manažér prevádzky BA

      Mobil : +421 905 161 980


      Kmeťova 15

      040 01 Košice

      Kontaktná osoba: Manažér prevádzky KE

      Mobil : +421 918 505 584


      Čemernianska 203

      093 03 Vranov nad Topľou

      Kontaktná osoba: Manažér prevádzky VT

      Mobil : +421 905 271 563

      haspo vranov