PZS: Notification of work category 2 – deadline extended to 29.02.2020
PZS: Notification of work category 2 – deadline extended to 29.02.2020 Väčšina zamestnávateľov ktorí či už mali alebo nemali zriadenú pracovnú zdravotnú službu zaregistrovali v médiách termín 31.01.2019. Do tohoto termínu boli zamestnávatelia povinní nahlásiť prostredníctvom formuláru zverejneného na stránke RUVZ všetkých zamestnancov, ktorí boli pracovnou zdravotnou službou zaradení do kategórie práce 2. Napriek tomu, že § […]
Changes in the Health and Safety Act
On 1 July, an amendment to the Health and Safety Act entered into force. Will the changes affect you? Education and training of security technicians The most significant change in the law is the possibility to obtain authorization to educate and train security technicians for individuals as well. Until now, only legal entities have been […]
Employers beware, checks are starting on occupational health service!
Employers beware, checks are starting on occupational health service! Are you an employer, but do you really provide your employees with everything that arises from your legal obligation? Obligation to provide occupational health service to each employee (also to the conciliator) is valid from 01.01.2015. During this period, the number of inspections by the RUVZ […]